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false positive result中文是什么意思

用"false positive result"造句"false positive result"怎么读"false positive result" in a sentence


  • 假阳性结果


  • On some virus scanning programs , the above check may still return the false positive result
  • However , in vivo tests should be interpreted with caution as false positive results may occur secondary to non - specific histamine release
  • Confirmatory methods : used for confirmation , which provides full or complementary information for positive results , specifically designed to avoid false positive results . the sensitivity can satisfy the requirements for residue detection
  • The principle the key influential factor of enzyme inhibition spectrophotometry for determination of organophosphate and carbamate pesticide residues in vegetable had been described , and had discussed the insufficient problems such as false positive results , negative enzyme inhibition rate which exists in this enzyme inhibition spectrophotometry and why organophosphate and carbamate pesticide residues in certain vegetables such as leek cannot be determined with this enzyme inhibition spectrophotometry
  • Dig labeled probe hybridization with solid pcr product was performed as well as electrophoresis of liquid product , this method combines rna purification , pcr amplification and nucleotide probe hybridization detection together and has many advantages including better rna purity , less time consumption , reliable positive reaction and 10 times sensitivity as rt - pcr gel running detection , reduce false positive result , unpurified nucleotide requirement , loug infected plant organism can be detected by solid hybridization
    2 )结果可靠,杂交特异性诱捕目的片段,同时去除了核酸中存在的pcr抑制物质,减少了因核酸提取不纯造成的漏检现象,结果输出通过双重判定保证了结果的可靠性。 3 )灵敏度高,通过杂交进行结果判定,灵敏度比传统的rt干cr大约高10倍。
用"false positive result"造句  
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